**Smart Duplication Manual** # Introduction ![](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqnrAtil10A width=680 height=384) *Smart Duplication* is a *Blender* addon that provides enhanced versions of the built-in *Duplicate* and *Delete* operators, extended with context-aware capabilities to ease multi-object and modifier based workflows. *Smart Duplication* supports every modifier type that references other objects: *Data Transfer, UV Project, UV Warp, Vertex Weight Proximity, Array, Boolean, Mirror, Screw, Armature, Cast, Curve, Hook, Lattice, Mesh Deform, ShrinkWrap, Surface Deform, Warp.* It's available on [Gumroad](https://gumroad.com/l/smart_duplication) and [Blender Market](https://blendermarket.com/products/smart-duplication). ## How to install *Smart Duplication* is installed [like any regular *Blender* addon](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/editors/preferences/addons.html#rd-party-add-ons). It's meant to work on any OS that *Blender* supports (*Windows*, *Mac* and *Linux*) and requires at least *Blender 2.80* or a newer version. # Operators ## Smart Duplication The *Smart Duplication* operator is a extended version of the built-in [*Object: Duplicate*](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/scene_layout/object/editing/duplication.html#duplicate) operator. ![Operator options](smart_duplication.png) !!! Note **Shortcut** : *(Ctrl + D)* by default, *(Shift + D)* and *(Alt + D)* if *Replace default operators* is enabled in the addon *Preferences*. **Menu** : *3d View* > *Object* > *Smart Duplication* ### Duplicate Linked Duplicate objects but not its data (ie: *Mesh*, *Curve*...) and link to the original data instead. !!! Note *(Enabled by default with (Alt + D), disabled by default with (Shift + D).* ### Duplicate Modifiers Duplicate all the modifiers that reference the selected objects, and make them point to the new copies. ![](duplicate_modifiers.png) ### Collapse Modifiers Collapse the panels of the newly created modifiers in the *UI*. ![](collapse_modifiers.png) ### Duplicate Modifier Dependencies Duplicate the objects referenced inside the modifiers of the selected objects and make the new copies point to them. ![](duplicate_modifier_dependencies.png) ### Duplicate Children Duplicate the children (from the scene hierarchy) of the selected objects and parent them to the new copies. ![](duplicate_children.png) ### Add To Collections Duplicated objects will be added to the collections of the original objects. ![](add_to_collections.png) ## Smart Delete The *Smart Delete* operator is a extended version of the built-in [*Object: Delete*](https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/scene_layout/object/editing/introduction.html#delete) operator. ![Operator options](smart_delete.png) !!! Note **Shortcut** : *(Ctrl + X)* by default, *(X)* and *(Delete)* if *Replace default operators* is enabled in the addon *Preferences*. **Menu** : *3d View* > *Object* > *Smart Delete* ### Delete Modifiers Delete all the modifiers that referenced the selected objects. ![](delete_modifiers.png) ### Delete Modifier Dependencies Delete the objects referenced in the modifiers of the selected objects. ![](delete_modifier_dependencies.png) ### Delete Children Delete the children (from the scene hierarchy) of the selected objects. ![](delete_children.png) ### Remove From Collections Remove the selected objects from all the collections they were part of, including scene collections. ![](remove_from_collections.png) ## Select References Select objects referenced inside the modifiers of the current selection and/or objects that reference the current selection inside their modifiers. !!! Note **Menu** : *3d View > Select > Select Internal/External References* ### Select Internal References Select the objects referenced inside the modifiers of the current selection. ### Select External References Select the objects that reference the current selection inside their modifiers. # Preferences ![The addon shortcuts can be changed in the addon panel](preferences.png) ## Replace default operators If enabled, assigns the smart operators to the shortcuts of the built-in *Blender* operators. ## Use Pie Menu If enabled, *(Ctrl + D)* launches a *Pie Menu* with all the addon operators. ![](pie.png)